Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pardon me

I received a sure sign yesterday that blogging has become mainstream. It was in the new software we have started using for our computers at work. I learned Microsoft Word now allows you to write something in Word and post it from there straight to a blog. And this is in the 2007 version of Microsoft Word!

The widespread acceptance of blogging underscores a dilemma I have wrestled with since I started writing this online journal back in October to help me through my cancer treatment. It is this question of blogging etiquette: When someone posts a comment on your blog, are you expected to write a comment back?

That has not been my practice, and I worry that I have offended some of my commentators (if that is what they should be called) by not commenting back to acknowledging their comments. I really do appreciate it when people leave comments; it lifts my spirits and reinforces my resolve to continue blogging. But if I comment back, then are they supposed to re-comment? Where would it end? Mostly I try to thank them in person, in a note, or in a separate e-mail.

I don't want to be guilty of poor blogging manners, but the truth is I was not much for reading blogs before starting this one. And consistency is a pet peeve of mine, so I feel like I've already drawn a line against commenting on comments by my practice of not doing so to this point. So please forgive me, dear readers and cheerleaders, if you were looking for a comment to your comment. The lack of my comments wasn't because I don't care.

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