Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow day

Today was going to be busy at work, but Mother Nature took care of that, bless her heart! The timing for this snow day is perfect!

With chemo done now, I have been trying to work five-day weeks as I count down to surgery, and it has been a little more tiring than I anticipated. Last night it was all I could do to stay vertical long enough to eat dinner before needing to stretch out and read for a little while before going to sleep.

Tom has been great about handling dinner, kitchen clean-up, grocery shopping and just about any other chore I toss his way. I am learning not to feel guilty about focusing my energy on my day job and letting others pick up anything else that needs to be done.

It may be a challenge just to keep to my work routine over these next two weeks. As was the case back in October before chemo started, it is getting harder to find clothes I can wear comfortably for work. Thank goodness for long, no-waist dresses and knee-high boots.

Tom said the other day I could buy a new wardrobe when this tumor is finally out but I told him that won't be necessary. It has been so long since I could wear most of my own clothes, they will all look new when I can finally get back into them!

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