Thursday, January 29, 2009

On the sidelines

I'm feeling a little selfish.

I reached out yesterday to a group a friends and colleagues that I usually see every year at a spring conference. I wanted to let them know I will be recuperating from surgery while they are gathering in Charleston in March. One of these peers wrote back to say she had just gone through her son's successful cancer treatment and would be praying for me and my family.

Her note underscored how much my family needs support and prayers, too, as we face these upcoming weeks. I am thinking especially of the four hours or so that I will be in surgery. While I look forward to being blissfully unaware during the operation and waking up to a tumor-less tummy, my family has the tougher job of waiting to hear all is well. I worry about them worrying too much.

Nor will it be easy on them traipsing back and forth to the hospital while I am regaining enough strength to return home. And then the real fun begins, especially for Tom, when I am back home and needing help with just about everything.

I am grateful for all the prayers being offered for me, and also for those to help my family get through this, too.

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